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Service voor the MACH3000 familie van Hirschmann™ stopt.

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Dear Sir or Madam,

Belden® develops innovative products using state-of-the-art technology, so you can be sure that our solutions will comply with the latest market requirements and standards. To ensure that this is always the case, our products are replaced by new ones after a certain period of time has elapsed.

In 2008, we announced that we would be discontinuing marketing of our Backbone Switches in Hirschmann’s MACH3000 family. This letter is to inform you that, as of March 31, 2014, service for these devices will also be discontinued. We will therefore only be able to carry out repairs and updates for the next six months. You will find a list of the order numbers for the affected devices at the end of this letter.

A new generation of backbone switches – the MACH4000 family – is now available from Hirschmann™. In keeping with the philosophy we outlined at the start of this letter, this family of switches boasts additional features such as switching and routing with 10 Gigabit per second, thus opening up new possibilities for high-performance data communication in industrial environments.

Detailed information about the MACH4000 family is available on our website at If you have any questions about these backbone switches, please contact your customer service representative. You can also contact this representative with any queries about service for the discontinued models.

Service will be discontinued for the following products in the MACH3000 family:

Order no. Product name Product category
943-676-001 MACH 3005 MACH3000 Chassis
943-675-001 MACH 3002 MACH3000 Chassis
943-739-001 MACH 3001 MACH3000 Chassis
943-677-001 M-PSU1 MACH3000 Power Supply
943-678-001 M-AIR 2 MACH3000 Fan Module
943-679-001 M-BASIC4 MACH3000 Basic board
943-714-001 M-ROUTER MACH3000 Router Module
943-704-021 M-ETH 4MM-ST MACH3000 Media Modules
943-680-001 M-FAST 8TP-RJ MACH3000 Media Modules
943-681-001 M-FAST 8MM-MT MACH3000 Media Modules
943-683-001 M-FAST 2SM-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-682-001 M-FAST 2MM-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-749-001 M-FAST 2LH-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-684-001 M-GIGA 2SX-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-685-001 M-GIGA 1LX-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-737-001 M-GIGA 2LX-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-742-001 M-GIGA 1LH-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-743-001 M-GIGA 2LH-SC MACH3000 Media Modules
943-741-001 M-GIGA 2TP-RJ MACH3000 Media Modules

We thank you for your understanding and look forward to continuing our successful partnership with you.

Best regards

Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH

I.V. Andreas Gramer
Director Product Management